FRANK's Components of Creativity
Quotable Women, like BeMoreCreative.com, encourages thinking, working, and living more creatively. Creativity is "the power to connect the seemingly unconnected" (W. Plommer). To support this work, we earn a small affiliate commission. Please browse creatively!
Truth has rough flavours if we bite it through.Source: Graf Dornberg, in Armgart,...
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We cannot freely and wisely choose the right way for ourselves unless we know both good and...
[Death] is no more than passing from one room to another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that...
The inmates are ghosts whose dreams have been murdered.Source: On Bellevue...
Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the...
A woman's hopes are woven of sunbeams; a shadow annihilates them.Source: 'Felix...
Life is obstinate and clings closest where it is most hated.Source: Frankenstein,...
Gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco-pipes of those who diffuse it: it proves nothing but the...
Paradoxically, the freedom of Paris is associated with a persistent belief that nothing ever changes. Paris, they say,...
The answers you get from literature depend upon the questions you pose.Source: In...
To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know we must seek it. ...
The if the talent or individuality is there, it should be expressed. If it doesn't find its way out into the air, it...
. . . time is compressed like the fist I close on my knee. . . . I hold inside it the clues and solutions and the...
It was as though there was a film going on inside my head, and I was watching it as it went by. I was completely...
For humanity has moved forward to an era when wrong and slavery are being displaced, and reason and justice are being...
Too much attention to health is a hindrance to learning, to invention, and to studies of any kind, for we are always...
Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt complexes, but is a reward in...
There's a tree that grows in Brooklyn. Some people call it the Tree of Heaven. No matter where its seed falls, it...
These are the beautiful people, who, befitting their rank as gods and goddesses of a powerful modern mythology, lead...
Timing and arrogance are decisive factors in the successful use of talent.Source:...
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