FRANK's Components of Creativity
Quotable Women, like BeMoreCreative.com, encourages thinking, working, and living more creatively. Creativity is "the power to connect the seemingly unconnected" (W. Plommer). To support this work, we earn a small affiliate commission. Please browse creatively!
In America, money takes the place of God.Source: In Words of Women Quotations for...
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I had never been as resigned to ready-made ideas as I was to ready-made clothes, perhaps because although I couldn't...
In order to have an enemy, one must be somebody. One must be a force before he can be resisted by another force. A...
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick...
I'd like to make people who see me in comic pantomime on the screen feel the way Mark Twain makes his readers...
I suppose the pleasure of country life lies really in the eternally renewed evidences of the determination to...
You can say the nastiest things about yourself without offending anyone.Source: In...
It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.Source: In The Ultimate Success...
Like some small nimble mouse between the ribs Of a mastodon, I nibbled here and there At this or that box,...
I take a breath when I have to.Source: In Time, 27 Feb 1984.-- Ethel Merman,...
Whoso lovesBelieves the impossible.Source: Aurora Leigh, bk. 5, 1857.--...
I took up knitting from time to time as a relaxation, but I always put it down again before going out to buy a rocking...
There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing...
I think the wonderful thing about doing theater is that it's more of an actor's medium. I think that film is more of a...
Celebrity was a long time in coming; it will go away. Everything goes away.Source:...
When we can't dream any longer, we die.Source: In Words of Women Quotations for...
Citizenship is a tough occupation which obliges the citizen to make his own informed opinion and stand by...
You must learn day by day, year by year, to broaden your horizons. The more things you love, the more you are...
I maintain the rather old-fashioned view that this is my w0rk and it's in the public arena, but that doesn't entitle...
It ain't really what you'd call change. It's all happened before and it'll happen again with a different set of...
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