FRANK's Components of Creativity
Quotable Women, like BeMoreCreative.com, encourages thinking, working, and living more creatively. Creativity is "the power to connect the seemingly unconnected" (W. Plommer). To support this work, we earn a small affiliate commission. Please browse creatively!
My mother, religious-negro, proud of having waded through a storm, is, very obviously a sturdy bridge that I have...
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I took up knitting from time to time as a relaxation, but I always put it down again before going out to buy a rocking...
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.Source: -- Helen...
In film, the possibilities are greater. You can go beyond the fourth wall. You can go to these incredible locations...
Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex.Source: Patterns of Culture,...
Life is so constructed that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation. More about this quote
Books succeed, and lives fail.Source: In The Ultimate Success Quotations...
There's a period of life when we swallow a knowledge of ourselves and it becomes either good or sour...
Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.Source: The House...
People may correctly remember the events of twenty years ago (a remarkable feat), but who remembers his fears, his...
Celebrity was a long time in coming; it will go away. Everything goes away.Source:...
It would be a bitter cosmic joke if we destroy ourselves due to atrophy of the...
One can never pay in gratitude; one can only pay in kind somewhere else in life . . . More about this quote
I don't want three million people digesting my private life over their cornflakes. More about this quote
Life is like a game of poker: If you don't put any in the pot, there won't be any to take...
It's as if I've arrived in a place where it's all spirit and no body -- an overwhelming sense of calm . . . I actually...
If you want to catch trout, don't fish in a herring barrel.Source: In The...
The results of philanthropy are always beyond calculation.Source: A History of...
I maintain the rather old-fashioned view that this is my w0rk and it's in the public arena, but that doesn't entitle...
It ain't really what you'd call change. It's all happened before and it'll happen again with a different set of...
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